How To Make the Best of the Sunny Weather

Summer is close!

Aren’t you excited? What the doctors say is correct! There is something about getting a little bit of vitamin D straight from the rays of the sun, that make your day wonderful.

However, these days almost don’t exist for students. We have to spend our time on boring coursework’s, dissertations and dreadful exams, while what we want is just enjoy what sunny days have to offer.

So what shall we do?

одуванчик1. Work outside

Nearly everybody likes the sun, so get your boyfriend, girlfriend and friends together and make your way down to the park, lay your books out all around you, and start working. Your break can then involve a kick around with the ball or a playful moment on the swings. However, remember to  go back to your books.

2. Stay cool!

Eat lots of ice cream. It raises the endorphins and your mood goes up. There is something about the wonderful feeling of that cold cream melting in your mouth that instantly makes you say ‘ahh’.

3. Give yourself a break

If you are the type of person that has to be inside, locked away from all the aspects of fun to ensure your work is done, go ahead! BUT.. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.  Come out to play.

Sun, revision and play. Perfect combination to get the grades you want.

Enjoy! (;

(c) Images: All rights reserved for Unordinary Customer.

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